jenna fischer the office

jenna fischer the office. Jenna Fischer from TV#39;s “The
  • Jenna Fischer from TV#39;s “The

  • aarond12
    Jul 6, 08:43 AM
    Seems that everyone always has an issue with Apple product except for me. I guess I should consider myself lucky?
    No, I believe you should find yourself in the majority. The minority lives here at MacRumors -- users that notice every small issue.

    For example, I didn't notice the OpenGL slowdown with 10.6.4 until someone mentioned it and I ran a benchmark. Why? I don't play very many games and my computer has a Core i7 processor. Had I not read about it, I wouldn't have even noticed (probably).


    jenna fischer the office. How did Jenna Fischer,
  • How did Jenna Fischer,

  • Sky Blue
    Apr 1, 09:20 PM
    I'd post a screen shot of this but when I try I just get a full black screen like this:

    Read the seed notes.

    jenna fischer the office. Posted in Jenna Fischer,Movies
  • Posted in Jenna Fischer,Movies

  • Blackhatch
    Apr 5, 08:46 PM
    Ive actually had decent results with the GoPro as far as a cheap camera goes. With your above requests that camera would suffice. However I wouldnt use it for ENG, Docs (well maybe as B-roll) or anything thatll need low-light.
    Now of your budget is over 1k then we can talk better cameras ;)
    Currently testing a Sony PMW-F3. Its the new Sony HD camera that can handle all kinds of lenses (PL yada yada).
    We generally use the high-end stuff here at work e.g. RED MX but at times we have to purchase and assess lower end cameras for other depts.

    If you need something to be safe around or in water, you cant go wrong with the GoPro. It impresses me more every time I use it. It isn't the most user friendly, but "bang for your buck" is, IMO, off the chart.
    Ive been playing with one for a little over a month and it does some awesome stuff. Since I've had it I have seen them on TV several times, from Mythbusters to racing shows, to bizarre foods, to a new one about the bike couriers in NYC.

    I have a GoPro as we speak. I will use that camera right away but need to familiarize myself with the hardware.

    My only issue with that camera choice was the inability to replay the footage and see what needs to be shot over or the ability to play it back over a TV or similar.

    I have the GoPro HD.

    Is there a way to use the camera without the fish-eye lens? Everything I see with with the fish-eye look which is not preferable in my case.

    jenna fischer the office. Office#39; star Jenna Fischer
  • Office#39; star Jenna Fischer

  • kurt.mac
    Jan 13, 04:45 AM
    Ya know what would sound great... airBook Pro!!! here is some of the preferences i would like

    1. Lite, as speculated for the airBook
    2. Mobile Penryn
    3. 160+ gig HD
    4. Better graphics card or equivalent to current macbook pros
    5. Wireless everything!!! including W power charge
    6. Pre-installed with bootcamp + Windows
    7. Up to 6 Gig ram (if possible)
    8. Probably the most important, to be a reasonable price

    also, with that new scroll pad thing


    jenna fischer the office. Jenna Fischer, Angela Kinsey,
  • Jenna Fischer, Angela Kinsey,

  • Aarow
    Dec 26, 08:39 PM
    I've never had the chance to use their other support page. What's the big difference with this one?

    jenna fischer the office. the real Jenna Fischer has
  • the real Jenna Fischer has

  • Mertzen
    Jan 2, 01:00 AM
    HAHAHAHAH .. spycorp, inc ..

    So what happened to their MWSF booth ???


    jenna fischer the office. Jenna Fischer is Crazy About
  • Jenna Fischer is Crazy About

  • iGary
    Dec 2, 08:03 PM
    Just ask them for a phone number and their address so you can come check it out.

    If they say: My address is: blah street, come on over this afternoon...bring a parent and see if they really have it. (if you're interested)


    Hey, leave my Nigerian friends alone. :p

    jenna fischer the office. a lot like Jenna Fischer
  • a lot like Jenna Fischer

  • arogge
    Jul 11, 06:01 PM
    I just found a vulnerability in the OS X password security. I can bypass the exact password as long as the password is correct up to the second to last character. For example, if the password is "Macintosh", the system will accept any of the following as valid:



    jenna fischer the office. Jenna Fischer,The Office
  • Jenna Fischer,The Office

  • devilot
    Sep 24, 01:16 PM
    It sounds like he was recruited into the gaming Mafia or something!Well, the gaming community definitely gets intense in their er... 'hobby' or lifestyle. They take things �berseriously. Like the person who stabbed someone w/ a screwdriver at one exhibition event. :eek: And come on, who wouldn't take a 'game' seriously if the prize was sponsored gaming set ups from big companies and free games/software/hardware and even beaucoup cash?! :p

    jenna fischer the office. Jenna Fischer
  • Jenna Fischer

  • heyroth
    Jun 21, 12:26 AM
    Any one planning to camp out?

    Eeep, Emeryville. Too far for me. I'll be in burlingame


    jenna fischer the office. The Office#39;s Jenna Fischer
  • The Office#39;s Jenna Fischer

  • WillEH
    Mar 25, 12:51 AM
    Hey uknick, firstly welcome to MacRumors ;)

    Yeah, I'm going to wait and order mine. I'm not rushing in to it. I'll order mine online also, unless I have good reason to pop in to town and buy the iPad2 from the local Bristol store. I'm still wondering if I really need it or not. Still deciding, but temptation is strong! :rolleyes:

    jenna fischer the office. British sitcom The Office.
  • British sitcom The Office.

  • cameronbrown13
    Apr 24, 12:09 PM
    Yep, basically every Apple product does this.

    Confused. Turning the phone off and on again?

    Yeah, I would power it off all the way and then turn it on


    jenna fischer the office. Jenna Fischer married writer
  • Jenna Fischer married writer

  • damnyooneek
    Apr 18, 01:36 PM
    use a lightly damp paper towel. then wipe it with a dry paper towel. thats all you need.

    jenna fischer the office. Jenna Fischer
  • Jenna Fischer

  • Doctor Q
    Mar 10, 01:04 AM
    I'm imagining a scenario like this and wonder if it's technically doable and if it's a reasonable approach. Note that I'm a web programmer but not an iOS programmer.

    A 12-person team is out in the woods on a scientific scavenger hunt for bugs. They stay in wifi range of a Mac that's running a web server with a web app I'll write. Each person has an iPad or iPhone running mobile Safari.

    When one scavenger spots a gromphadorhina portentosa, he/she types its name in a web form and submits it. (Maybe we'll use abbreviations for the names!) The web app checks if a gromphadorhina portentosa has already been spotted and recorded, letting that person know. If it hasn't been spotted before, the scavenger takes a photo and collects other scientific information about the bug, which can stay on the local device until later. The purpose of the central web server is to prevent two scavengers from taking the time to record details about the same bug.

    Optimizations could include using AJAX to check for matches as the user types.

    Is this a practical way to do approach this problem? Are there smarter approaches I should also consider?


    jenna fischer the office. Rainn Wilson and Jenna Fischer
  • Rainn Wilson and Jenna Fischer

  • Ladybug
    May 2, 01:04 PM
    Drag the .app to the trash. Don't use cleanmymac, appzapper, appcleaner or any crap like that.

    Ugh, I just bought CleanMyMac. Could you elaborate more why these products are bad to use? Thanks

    Nevermind: I see someone just addressed my question as I was posting.

    jenna fischer the office. Jenna Fischer as Pam
  • Jenna Fischer as Pam

  • MacRumorUser
    Nov 8, 10:37 AM
    I'm waiting to see if it's region free.

    I plan on buying one from Play-asia with Dance Central, Kinectimals, Joy Ride & Kinect Sports as Asian version is only �28 as opposed to �50 here. USA version's are region free - so I'm hopeful.

    Though i also bought Playstation Move = that's pretty much doing nothing with my Wii for company at the moment. :rolleyes:


    jenna fischer the office. jenna fischer - 2 blouses
  • jenna fischer - 2 blouses

  • butterfly0fdoom
    Oct 24, 03:56 AM
    If I buy a family pack, can I get 5 shirts (if I have 4 people with me)? We're planning to be in line really early (school being closed kinda leads to intense boredom). UTC's answering message kinda implies they'll open for the Leopard release.

    jenna fischer the office. jenna fischer engaged
  • jenna fischer engaged

  • PaRaGoNViCtiM
    Nov 28, 06:08 PM
    i can offer 70$ shipped to the uk !
    sorry all i got very low i know :)
    Sent you a PM.

    jenna fischer the office. with Jenna Fischer during
  • with Jenna Fischer during

  • jph.daulte
    Feb 15, 09:58 AM
    I have upgrade my iBook OS, from OS922 to 10.3.8.
    (iBook G3 800 MHz, 384 Mb SDRAM, HD 40Gb, ADSL256)

    Before I erased all data on my hard disk to zero. Clean installation also.

    After that, as a result, I have a corrupted display and a freezed iBook!
    (see attached...)

    BUT, if I boot the iBook without extensions, (safe boot),
    it's ok....

    I have no ideas how to solve this bug. I tried to re install twice, no more success... I run Disk Utility, TechToolsPro, DiskWarrior, nothing special...

    I think to understand a System log could help.

    What does <The "HasShadow" window property is obsolete> mean?
    How, and where learn to use those system log?

    I usually manage well my troobleshootings, but I'm not at all experienced in Unix, BSD, and System log.

    Here is a part of last System log

    Feb 15 08:08:04 localhost SystemStarter: Bienvenue sur Macintosh.
    Feb 15 08:08:04 localhost SystemStarter: D?marrage extensions d?sactiv?es
    Feb 15 08:08:05 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting Apple Multicast DNS Responder
    Feb 15 08:08:05 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting SecurityServer
    Feb 15 08:08:05 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting timed execution services
    Feb 15 08:08:05 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting kernel event agent
    Feb 15 08:08:05 localhost SystemStarter: D?marrage du r?pondeur DNS multi-diffusion Apple
    Feb 15 08:08:05 localhost ConsoleMessage: Initializing network
    Feb 15 08:08:05 localhost mDNSResponder[154]: mDNSResponder-58.8 (Apr 24 2004 20:38:40) starting
    Feb 15 08:08:07 localhost SystemStarter: Starting SecurityServer
    Feb 15 08:08:07 localhost SystemStarter: D?marrage des services ? ex?cution diff?r?e
    Feb 15 08:08:07 localhost SystemStarter: D?marrage de l?agent d??v?nement du kernel
    Feb 15 08:08:07 localhost SystemStarter: Initialisation du r?seau

    Feb 15 08:08:11 localhost kernel: ATY,Bee_A: vram [9c000000:02000000]
    Feb 15 08:08:11 localhost kernel: ATY,Bee_B: vram [98000000:02000000]
    Feb 15 08:08:11 localhost SystemStarter: The "HasShadow" window property is obsolete. Use CGSSetWindowShadowAndRimParameters(cid, wid, 0.0,0.0, 0,0, CGSNoShadowStyle) to turn off the window shadow instead. Set a break-point on CGSLogMessage to find out where this property is set.

    Is ATY the culprit? But how to debug this?



    Oct 26, 07:22 PM
    I was there before it opened. Using Leopard now.

    Apr 21, 07:41 PM
    *scratches North Dakota off list of states in the U.S. I can live*

    Well, that's all of 'em.

    Jan 9, 01:12 PM
    The keynote is now over and neither iLife 07 or iWork 07 were released!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Mar 21, 03:37 AM
    Hi, thanks for the responses.about the canon lenses: I use Nikon so my lenses are all black.

    I'm not so sure I'd want to insulate my black lenses. An Inland Marine insurance policy is probably a much better deal.


    Mr. Chewbacca
    Apr 10, 09:46 AM
    folder enhancer is pretty nice