danny jones and dougie poynter

danny jones and dougie poynter. Tom Fletcher and Danny Jones
  • Tom Fletcher and Danny Jones

  • zap2
    Mar 21, 06:32 PM
    Both...I play with friends and myself.

    danny jones and dougie poynter. Danny Jones(left) Dougie
  • Danny Jones(left) Dougie

  • cmorriss
    Jun 22, 03:40 PM
    Does it make a difference where I purchase my iPhone 4?:confused:

    It does now. AT&T has officially stated that they'll have two things for walk-ins without a preorder: Jack and ****. Nothing until 6/29. If you want one on 6/24, go to an Apple store and get there very early. Good luck.

    danny jones and dougie poynter. Home middot; Danny Jones middot; Tom
  • Home middot; Danny Jones middot; Tom

  • zarathustra
    Oct 1, 01:24 AM
    Originally posted by Jeffx342
    I disagree Zarathustra, the Prismo looks like a basic looking laptop to me. The powerbook Ti has a very distinctive look and the images show very clearly* that its a powerbook ti

    Whatever. :rolleyes:

    I did not dispute for one moment that the Radeon pictures did NOT feature TiBooks. I think there is just too much read into a publicity picture. I would love to be proved wrong, but there is a chance that they plain wanted to use a good looking machine - whether it featured the new Radeon chip or not.

    I have seen advertising for Intel based PCs in the former eastern block countries where they pasted OSX screen captures into the monitor. When I asked why they do it, they say it looks much nicer and expensive...

    BTW, if you know anything about past macs, clearly the laptop in the XP picture is a G3 PowerBook, because at their time , the Pismo, Lombard, etc. were very sexy. The white logo has been photoshopped out, but the curves and the shape scream MAC!

    danny jones and dougie poynter. Danny Jones and Dougie Poynter
  • Danny Jones and Dougie Poynter

  • BrettJDeriso
    Mar 11, 06:49 PM
    This was a rent a cop and not an Apple employee, right?

    Nearly without fail, everyone who tries to enforce a photography ban is some form of rent-a-cop (or the DC Park Police, if you're downtown). In fact, he was wearing the usual RTC parking monitor garb, so yes. Paul Blart, self-appointed Apple Event Press Liaison :D

    In addition to the formidable rent-a-cop contingent, there was also on hand an imposing display of armed Fairfax County (actual) Sheriffs and Reston's Finest.


    danny jones and dougie poynter. Danny Jones/Tom Fletcher/
  • Danny Jones/Tom Fletcher/

  • BigAus
    Mar 24, 05:14 AM
    Thank you for taking steps to have this add removed. No complaints about Macrumors other than this is the most annoying internet ad I've ever seen.

    danny jones and dougie poynter. Ph: Philip Riches middot; ATTITUDE
  • Ph: Philip Riches middot; ATTITUDE

  • benfilan
    Jan 15, 08:49 AM
    sorry if i seem lazy and/or retarded, but i'm in work, my first thought was to post here, I'm eternally apologetic.


    in fact, I'm crying right now.


    danny jones and dougie poynter. Dougie Poynter, Danny
  • Dougie Poynter, Danny

  • stu.h
    Mar 11, 03:49 PM
    He cant use the words "We've sold out" as its not gone on sale yet! :p

    Where are you in the states? Do you get it in 10 minutes?

    I'm jealous, Ive gotta wait 2 weeks - UK (if it doesnt get put back)


    danny jones and dougie poynter. Danny Jones and Dougie Poynter
  • Danny Jones and Dougie Poynter

  • chaos86
    Mar 31, 12:23 PM
    does it need a video card in it?

    i would assume so, though it only needs to be a crappy video card. the problem is that the BIOS or EFI or whatever firmware is running on the motherboard would usually freak out if it couldnt find a video device. i know ive turned on many machines in my building days and usually if they dont have one of the essentials (ram, proc, an input device, a video out device) they just beep and hang.


    danny jones and dougie poynter. danny, danny jones, dougie,
  • danny, danny jones, dougie,

  • void
    Sep 25, 08:07 PM
    i know someone who just purchased a dual ghz box with 2 GB of ram. The extra .25 mhz isn't worth it becuase it is bottlenecked anyways by it's slow-assed system bus. The ram on the otherhand, is great for the after affects, FCP and photoshop work hes doing.

    danny jones and dougie poynter. flaminglady.jpg Danny Jones
  • flaminglady.jpg Danny Jones

  • ~Shard~
    Sep 24, 03:23 AM
    Yeah, just to clarify I have been using a mac for about two years now. It is my friend who switched to mac :) He just placed the order a few hours ago for his new 12" iBook.

    Ah, thanks for the clarification - that's what I get for speed reading... :o ;)


    danny jones and dougie poynter. cow, danny, danny jones,
  • cow, danny, danny jones,

  • roland.g
    May 5, 10:43 AM
    Like I said, I'm just waiting for the WWDC announcement before I take any further action. If Apple says a July release, I might wait. If they say September, I'll have to freeze myself like Cartman.

    I should also mention that any decision I make will also depend on the price. If Lion is $129, I'll be persuaded to wait. If it is substantially less (say around $29-$49), I'll definitely buy the iMac sooner than later.

    +1. I expect it will be released by end of June or early July. I'm not in a hurry as I have a family member buying my 2007 iMac. And I would prefer it pre-installed. Price is certainly a consideration. But as some have pointed out, with the Mac App Store, they may very well sell the DL version for less. I also hope Lion gets rid of the traditional optical and goes USB or DL only. That said I would love to see all restore disks be USB but I'm not sure that OS X can boot from a USB?

    Why would that be the case? If you want to sell your computer and you installed lion yourself, why would a computer with lion installed by Apple be worth any more assuming both systems have the same hardware?

    I don't think it affects resale, however I prefer that my restore disk be Lion. Let's say you want to do a wipe and reinstall for some reason. That would involve using your restore disk, then installing Lion. I suppose you could install Lion without your restore disk, but Lion won't include iLife on it, so you still need to go back and install those Apps from the original restore disk. Just more of a pain.

    danny jones and dougie poynter. 5 Facts About Danny and Dougie
  • 5 Facts About Danny and Dougie

  • CF Fighter
    Jan 12, 08:52 PM
    The chair of the FCC talked earlier this week about the big push forward the US will see this year in digitizing the nation with the 700 mHz as well as WiMax and the digital conversion of TV stations. He wants true broadband access across the country and he says that 200 kbps is NOT broadband and new rules will be coming down the pipeline soon to force companies to up their network speeds and access.


    danny jones and dougie poynter. Dougie Poynter, Danny
  • Dougie Poynter, Danny

  • Chisholm
    Jan 17, 12:49 PM
    This is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen.

    I think that IS the stupidest iAccessory I've ever seen. Surely someone is just squatting at a no-show booth.

    danny jones and dougie poynter. In This Photo: Danny Jones,
  • In This Photo: Danny Jones,

  • MacBytes
    Jun 11, 11:16 AM
    http://www.macbytes.com/images/bytessig.gif (http://www.macbytes.com)

    Category: 3rd Party Hardware
    Link: Samsung to Apple: Our Screens Are Still Better (http://www.macbytes.com/link.php?sid=20100611121632)
    Description:: Samsung Electronics has thrown down the gauntlet to Apple, saying the iPhone's display technology is no competitive threat.

    Posted on MacBytes.com (http://www.macbytes.com)
    Approved by Mudbug


    danny jones and dougie poynter. Danny Jones and Dougie Poynter
  • Danny Jones and Dougie Poynter

  • zimv20
    Jul 8, 01:55 PM
    okay, i think this is it.

    i cannot browse below ~/Documents by going to but i can browse freely by going to

    dunno what the deal is, but at least i have a solution. and what i said above about ditching the link at /Library/WebServer/Documents/Documents should be ignored. it's needed.

    wasn't this fun? :-)

    danny jones and dougie poynter. MCFLY DANNY JONES, HA.

  • zombitronic
    Jan 17, 08:42 AM
    It's like 1908 meets 2008.


    danny jones and dougie poynter. Harry Judd and Danny Jones,
  • Harry Judd and Danny Jones,

  • gkarris
    Dec 29, 05:23 PM
    It's been a while since a console release, but they do those to this day.

    The GameCube I manage to find at a store that decided last minute to not sell bundles. My friend found one for their kids at Christmas from Best Buy who decided the week before Christmas to sell them by themselves.

    The PS3, XB360, and Wii were all sold as bundles when they were released (I managed to go back to the store I got my GameCube from and they made me at least buy an extra controller or game - compared to other stores which made you buy extra controllers and 2 games).

    danny jones and dougie poynter. Danny Jones and Dougie Poynter
  • Danny Jones and Dougie Poynter

  • Auax
    Apr 26, 09:58 PM
    i used it to record in my diving, just so gogeous..

    danny jones and dougie poynter. McFly - Dougie Poynter Danny
  • McFly - Dougie Poynter Danny

  • emiljan
    Apr 18, 09:19 AM
    Try to reinstall the bootcamp drivers again and see if that helps.

    Blue Velvet
    Sep 25, 08:51 PM
    how to post a pic?

    Either link to one on the web placing the URL within the xxx tags (check the little yellow box above the reply field) or...

    When posting a reply, use the 'Manage Attachments' function where it says 'Additional Options' just below the reply field � you can upload a picture from your computer this way.

    Apr 5, 06:38 AM
    Looks pretty cool actually but as was mentioned durability on that thing looks sketchy.

    Apr 22, 05:01 PM
    When I buy RAM for my Macs, I buy Crucial, cheap, reliable and high-quality. Apple uses mostly cheap Korean brand 'Hynix' memory modules in their Macs and they are quite unreliable. Can't speak for OWC though...

    Nov 10, 04:48 AM
    I was after the CoolerMaster Q Aluminium keyboard that toezter has, but it seems to be discontinued.
    After a trip to my local evil PC World though (do they ever get any better?!?) I saw a fully brushed aluminium, PB type (but full) keyboard. Looks very, very nice. Pricey at �50, and is USB not wireless. But the major downer is the logo on the keyboard right above the function keys in the centre.....


    Doctor Q
    Mar 11, 06:26 PM
    Please help us and other site visitors by following the instructions in the What do I do about annoying ads? section of our FAQ. Specifically, note the URL that the ad links to the next time you see (hear) it.