Kanji Tattoos, Designs- The artist specializes in applying the ink, not the translation.

Kanji Tattoos, Designs- The artist specializes in applying the ink, not the translation.99080
Literal and popular phrases may require a combination of symbols, without proper research, the Kanji tattoos will not mean what is intended. It’s important research Kanji for both literal and symbolic meanings.

Kanji Tattoos, Designs- The artist specializes in applying the ink, not the translation.99087Don’t wait to decide on what Kanji symbol is most desirable when the artist is loading the ink. Do not rely on the artist to determine what symbol best fits the desired word or phrase. The artist specializes in applying the ink, not the translation.

Kanji Tattoos, Designs- The artist specializes in applying the ink, not the translation.990876If speaking to someone fluent in Japanese is not an option, consider visiting a college or university where Japanese is taught.